
Friday, July 07, 2006

Ahh, the weekend....

So here you go, this drawing isn't mine. It was done by a story artists who's been coming to my class for a while now. SHE didn't want me to take it or post it, let alone tell you who SHE was. I told her that I would respect her wishes and not give her name out, BUT! I lied. I really love this sketch, It has so much movement in it. The lean on the pose really goes far back and the legs seem to have a nice stability. It almost seems as if this character is going to move forward. You can almost here the ending of a song and the character has done his routine exiting stage. Either way the artist was embarrassed that I liked it so much and SHE threw the paper down as if to cast away this horrible sketch. I picked it up and geeked out over it and told her this is what sketching is all about, loose, spontanious and fun with a nice bit of acting to the face too. So, if SHE will forgive me, here comes my lie....Claire Morrissey, you did a fine drawing here!


  1. I knew whose it was! Before I read down to the bottom of the post. Really nice drawing here! No room for modesty in animation, Claire!
    Seriously, though--everyone's got such issues with their own work(me included, har har), sensitive artists! What she should know is how inspiring & helpful it is to see lovely drawings like this. : )

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Yeah, I've had images in my trash can only later to be saved by a fresh pair of eye's. Nice drawing Clair, sorta wish there was a huge 11 x 17 page filled with many these. :P

  3. Love the movement!

  4. To some this may not look like much. To me this drawing speaks volumes. So much I can say about this pose. It's dealing with all the right issues and it feels pushed in the right directions. Does not look like the artist was thinking if she left the sink on or off. From the gut:)

  5. Anonymous8:00 PM

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