Thursday, December 09, 2010
Observation is creation
This year has been the year of doctor's for me. Thankfully I'm doing good and last weekend I was at the eye doctor's office and I took my sketchbook with me(always keepin' it handy). I started sketching and the words "observation is Creation" came to mind and it made me remember that if I don't know what objects or people look like I can't really draw or create them in my work. We need to study and sketch observationally! LOOK at stuff and draw it. LOOK at people and draw them.
keeping up my sketchbook helps me create new shapes and build on my well of resources when it comes to drawing my boards. Its like homework for us, especially if you're a designer of any sort - you need to observe even more because you're creating characters and development that should be caricatured from reality. Key word "caricatured"!
The more you've observed the easier time you'll have when you have to create.
If I don't have my sketchbook with me Ill draw on the iphone. Here are some of those observed digital faces drawn with my finger.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Waking Sleeping Beauty!!!
Wow! If you love animation and love great documentaries, "Waking Sleeping Beauty" is for you! Don Hahn directed this great look back at the Disney studio's during the time when Jeffrey Katzenberg was working there and it's pretty informative on the studio's rise with the Lion King as it's crescendo. It tells the story in a very honest way and really leans heavily on the greatness of Howard Ashman as well. He helped them shape so many great songs that are just as incredibly popular today as when they were released! The bonus features are fun and through out the film you get insights from many great artists including Glen Keane. I had a great time watching this and I hope all of you go out and get your copy soon.
This one is a must buy!
This one is a must buy!