
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Egg heads and head shapes

When working with drawing the heads and faces I've usually told people to use the egg shape method by Walt Stanchfield. It's meant to quickly sketch in the construction of the head because many times people forget the volume. It's an excellent way to lay in the head and figure out the perspective by using the nose and the eyes.

Objective aesthetics come into play as we draw in the nose/eyes placement. We all have our own way of sketching a nose or eyes but this quick sketch beginning should be loose. Plus the intersection of the two egg shapes allows for an easy ear placement.

Inevitably once you've become comfortable with the egg equation you graduate to the next level of attitude and acting that's specific to the model. Our drawings become more unique and individual as we push the acting and attitude given to us as the egg shapes morph into caricatured versions of reality.

A particular jaw shape versus a forehead shape, mixed in with a nose shape builds on all the simplistic scaffolding in the beginning of the sketch. The trajectory.

The idea with all this is to try and sketch economically direct! You want to use your construction lines as your final lines. Or at least lines that are going in the direction of final lines. Which means hopefully you won't have to many lines that are aimless.

Here are a few examples from one of my sketchbooks, hope you like'em.

Cafe smug

FIDM girl

Woman on the train

Eukenuba Judge

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Check out Mike Lester's blog of hilarious works, and fun drawings!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Out at the barn

Went out to the equestrain center last week with Jenny Lerew and Dave Derrrick. Drawing while having a cold wasn't easy, but I had a blast!



Equestrian girl

Equestrian man

Walking back

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Hair tip

Happy New Year!

I've gotten the question asked so many times "how do you handle hair?" and I try to keep my answer as simple as I can. The hair lines need to be in the direction of the haircut or hair style, everyone's different. I see a ton of sketches that just crosshatch the hair or tone it in a one-line direction. I think that's a really quick way to flatten the volume on any head of hair. Next time you sketch someones dew try to follow the natural lines. Draw the cut or style of the person and draw your strokes in the direction of the hair. Ok, well my answer went a bit long but I get a little into it...ha!

These three lil' sketches are my very first sketches of 2010! I'm blasting through a little 3x5 moleskine. It's fun. {pics taken with my iphone so res will be a bit low}


